Chronic renal failure (CRF) or chronic kidney
Chronic renal failure (CRF) or chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the
end result of a gradual, progressive loss of kidney function. The loss of
function may be so slow that you do not have symptoms until your kidneys have
almost stopped working.
The final stage of chronic kidney disease is called end-stage
renal disease (ESRD). At this stage, the kidneys are no longer able to remove
enough wastes and excess fluids from the body. At this point, you would need
dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Nursing Care Plans
Nursing Priorities
Maintain homeostasis.
Prevent complications.
Provide information about disease process/prognosis and
treatment needs.
Support adjustment to lifestyle changes.
Discharge Goals
Fluid/electrolyte balance stabilized.
Complications prevented/minimized.
Disease process/prognosis and therapeutic regimen understood.
Dealing realistically with situation; initiating necessary
lifestyle changes.
Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.
1. Risk for Decreased
Cardiac Output
Risk factors may include
Fluid imbalances affecting circulating volume, myocardial
workload, and systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Alterations in rate, rhythm, cardiac conduction (electrolyte
imbalances, hypoxia)
Accumulation of toxins (urea), soft-tissue calcification
(deposition of calcium phosphate)
Possibly evidenced by
Not applicable. Existence of
signs and symptoms establishes an actual nursing diagnosis.
Desired Outcomes
Maintain cardiac output as evidenced by BP and heart rate
within patient’s normal range; peripheral pulses strong and equal with prompt
capillary refill time.
Nursing Interventions
Auscultate heart and lung sounds. Evaluate presence of
peripheral edema, vascular congestion and reports of dyspnea.
S3 and S4 heart
sounds with muffled tones, tachycardia, irregular heart rate, tachypnea,
dyspnea, crackles, wheezes,edema and jugular distension suggest HF.
Assess presence and degree of hypertension: monitor BP;
note postural changes (sitting, lying, standing).
Significant hypertension can occur because of
disturbances in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (caused by renal
dysfunction). Although hypertension is common, orthostatic hypotension may
occur because of intravascular fluid deficit, response to effects of
antihypertensive medications, or uremic pericardial tamponade.
Investigate reports of chest pain, noting location,
radiation, severity (0–10 scale), and whether or not it is intensified by
deep inspiration and supine position.
Although hypertension and chronic HF may cause MI,
approximately half of CRF patients on dialysis develop pericarditis,
potentiating risk of pericardial effusion or tamponade.
Evaluate heart sounds (note friction rub), BP,
peripheral pulses, capillary refill, vascular congestion, temperature, and
sensorium or mentation.
Presence of sudden hypotension, paradoxic pulse, narrow
pulse pressure, diminished or absent peripheral pulses, marked jugular
distension, pallor, and a rapid mental deterioration indicate tamponade,
which is a medical emergency.
Assess activity level, response to activity.
Weakness can be attributed to HF and anemia.
Monitor laboratory and diagnostic studies:
Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium),
BUN and Cr;
Imbalances can alter electrical conduction and cardiac
Chest x-rays.
Useful in identifying developing cardiac failure or
soft-tissue calcification.
Administer antihypertensive drugs such
as prazosin (Minipress), captopril (Capoten), clonidine (Catapres),
hydralazine (Apresoline).
Reduces systemic vascular resistance and renin release
to decrease myocardial workload and aid in prevention of HF and MI.
Prepare for dialysis.
Reduction of uremic toxins and correction of
electrolyte imbalances and fluid overload may limit and prevent cardiac
manifestations, including hypertension and pericardial effusion.
Assist with pericardiocentesis as indicated.
Accumulation of fluid within pericardial sac can
compromise cardiac filling and myocardial contractility, impairing cardiac
output and potentiating risk of cardiac arrest.
2. Risk for Ineffective
Risk factors may include
Abnormal blood profile (suppressed erythropoietin
production/secretion; decreased RBC production and survival; altered clotting
factors; increased capillary fragility)
Possibly evidenced by
Not applicable. Existence of
signs and symptoms establishes an actual nursing diagnosis.
Desired Outcomes
Experience no signs/symptoms of bleeding/hemorrhage.
Maintain/demonstrate improvement in laboratory values.
Nursing Interventions
Note reports of increasing fatigue, weakness. Observe
for tachycardia, pallor of ski and mucous membranes, dyspnea, and chest pain.
Plan patient activities to avoid fatigue.
May reflect effects of anemia and cardiac response
necessary to keep cells oxygenated.
Monitor level of consciousness and behavior.
Anemia may cause cerebral hypoxia manifested by changes
in mentation, orientation, and behavioral responses.
Evaluate response to activity, ability to perform
tasks. Assist as needed and develop schedule for rest.
Anemia decreases tissue oxygenation and increases
fatigue, which may require intervention, changes in activity, and rest.
Limit vascular sampling, combine laboratory tests when
Recurrent or excessive blood sampling can worsen
Observe for oozing from venipuncture sites, bleeding,
ecchymotic areas following slight trauma, petechiae; joint swelling or mucous
membrane involvement (bleeding gums, recurrent epistaxis, hematemesis,
melena, and hazy or red urine.
Bleeding can occur easily because of capillary
fragility and altered clotting functions and may worsen anemia.
Hematest GI secretions and stool for blood.
Mucosal changes and altered platelet function due to
uremia may result in gastric mucosal erosion and GI hemorrhage.
Provide soft toothbrush, electric razor; use smallest
needle possible and apply prolonged pressure following injections or vascular
Reduces risk of bleeding and hematoma formation.
Monitor laboratory studies:
RBCs, Hb and Hct;
Uremia (elevated ammonia, urea, other toxins) decreases
production of erythropoietin and depresses RBC production and survival time.
In CRF, Hb and Hct are usually low but tolerated; (patient may not be
symptomatic until Hb is below 7).
Platelet count, clotting factors;
Suppression of platelet formation and inadequate levels
of factors III and VIII impair clotting and potentiate risk of
bleeding. Note: Bleeding may become intractable in ESRD.
Prothrombin time (PT) level.
Abnormal prothrombin consumption lowers serum levels
and impairs clotting.
Administer fresh blood, packed RBCs (PRCs) as
May be necessary when patient is symptomatic with
anemia. PRCs are usually given when patient is experiencing fluid overload or
receiving dialysis treatment. Washed RBCs are used to prevent hyperkalemia
associated with stored blood.
Administer medications, as indicated:
Erythropoietin preparations (Epogen, EPO, Procrit);
Corrects many of the symptoms of CRF resulting from
anemia by stimulating the production and maintenance of RBCs, thus decreasing
the need for transfusion.
Iron preparations: folic acid (Folvite), cyanocobalamin
Useful in managing symptomatic anemia related to
nutritional or dialysis-induced deficits. Note: Iron should not be given
with phosphate binders because they may decrease iron absorption.
Cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac); antacids;
May be given prophylactically to reduce or neutralize
gastric acid and thereby reduce the risk of GI hemorrhage.
Hemostatics or fibrinolysis inhibitors such as
aminocaproic acid (Amicar);
Inhibits bleeding that does not subside spontaneously
or respond to usual treatment.
Stool softeners (Colace); bulk laxative (Metamucil).
Straining to pass hard-formed stool increases
likelihood of mucosal and rectal bleeding.
3. Disturbed Thought
May be related to
Physiological changes: accumulation of toxins (e.g., urea,
ammonia), metabolic acidosis, hypoxia; electrolyte imbalances, calcifications
in the brain
Possibly evidenced by
Disorientation to person, place, time
Memory deficit; altered attention span, decreased ability to
grasp ideas
Impaired ability to make decisions, problem-solve
Changes in sensorium: somnolence, stupor, coma
Changes in behavior: irritability, withdrawal, depression,
Desired Outcomes
Regain/maintain optimal level of mentation.
Identify ways to compensate for cognitive impairment/memory
Nursing Interventions
Assess extent of impairment in thinking ability,
memory, and orientation. Note attention span.
Uremic syndrome’s effect can begin with minor
confusion, irritability and progress to altered personality or inability to
assimilate information and participate in care. Awareness of changes provides
opportunity for evaluation and intervention.
Ascertain from SO patient’s usual level of mentation.
Provides comparison to evaluate progression and
resolution of impairment.
Provide SO with information about patient’s status.
Some improvement in mentation may be expected with
restoration of more normal levels of BUN, electrolytes, and serum pH.
Provide quiet or calm environment and judicious use of
television, radio, and visitation.
Minimizes environmental stimuli to reduce sensory
overload and confusion while preventing sensory deprivation.
Reorient to surroundings, person, and so forth. Provide
calendars, clocks, outside window.
Provides clues to aid in recognition of reality.
Present reality concisely, briefly, and do not
challenge illogical thinking.
Confrontation potentiates defensive reactions and may
lead to patient mistrust and heightened denial of reality.
Communicate information and instructions in simple,
short sentences. Ask direct, yes or no questions. Repeat explanations as
May aid in reducing confusion, and increases
possibility that communications will be understood and remembered.
Establish a regular schedule for expected activities.
Aids in maintaining reality orientation and may reduce
fear and confusion.
Promote adequate rest and undisturbed periods for
Sleep deprivation may further impair cognitive
Monitor laboratory studies such as BUN and
Cr, serum electrolytes, glucose level, and ABGs (Po2, pH).
Correction of elevations or imbalances can have
profound effects on cognition or mentation.
Provide supplemental O2 as
Correction of hypoxia alone can improve cognition.
Avoid use of barbiturates and opiates.
Drugs normally detoxified in the kidneys will have
increased half-life and cumulative effects, worsening confusion.
Prepare for dialysis.
Marked deterioration of thought processes may indicate
worsening of azotemia and general condition, requiring prompt intervention to
regain homeostasis.
4. Risk for Impaired Skin
Risk factors may include
Altered metabolic state, circulation (anemia with tissue
ischemia), and sensation (peripheral neuropathy)
Alterations in skin turgor (edema/dehydration)
Reduced activity/immobility
Accumulation of toxins in the skin
Possibly evidenced by
Not applicable. Existence of
signs and symptoms establishes an actual nursing diagnosis.
Desired Outcomes
Maintain intact skin.
Demonstrate behaviors/techniques to prevent skin
Nursing Interventions
Inspect skin for changes in color, turgor, vascularity.
Note redness, excoriation. Observe for ecchymosis, purpura.
Indicates areas of poor circulation or breakdown that
may lead to decubitus formation and infection.
Monitor fluid intake and hydration of skin and mucous
Detects presence of dehydration or overhydration that
affect circulation and tissue integrity at the cellular level.
Inspect dependent areas for edema. Elevate legs as
Edematous tissues are more prone to breakdown.
Elevation promotes venous return, limiting venous stasis and edema formation.
Change position frequently; move patient carefully; pad
bony prominences with sheepskin, elbow or heel protectors.
Decreases pressure on edematous, poorly perfused
tissues to reduce ischemia.
Provide soothing skin care. Restrict use of soaps.
Apply ointments or creams (lanolin, Aquaphor).
Baking soda, cornstarch baths decrease itching and are
less drying than soaps. Lotions and ointments may be desired to relieve dry,
cracked skin.
Keep linens dry, wrinkle-free.
Reduces dermal irritation and risk of skin breakdown.
Investigate reports of itching.
Although dialysis has largely eliminated skin problems
associated with uremic frost, itching can occur because the skin is an
excretory route for waste products such as phosphate crystals (associated
with hyperparathyroidism in ESRD).
Recommend patient use cool, moist compresses to apply
pressure (rather than scratch) pruritic areas. Keep fingernails short;
encourage use of gloves during sleep if needed.
Alleviates discomfort and reduces risk of dermal
Suggest wearing loose-fitting cotton garments.
Prevents direct dermal irritation and promotes
evaporation of moisture on the skin.
Provide foam or flotation mattress.
Reduces prolonged pressure on tissues, which can limit
cellular perfusion, potentiating ischemia and necrosis.
5. Risk for Impaired Oral
Mucous Membrane
Risk factors may include
Lack of/or decreased salivation, fluid restrictions
Chemical irritation, conversion of urea in saliva to ammonia
Possibly evidenced by
Not applicable. Existence of
signs and symptoms establishes an actual nursing diagnosis.
Desired Outcomes
Maintain integrity of mucous membranes.
Identify/initiate specific interventions to promote healthy
oral mucosa.
Nursing Interventions
Inspect oral cavity; note moistness, character of
saliva, presence of inflammation, ulcerations, leukoplakia.
Provides opportunity for prompt intervention and
prevention of infection.
Provide fluids throughout 24-hr period within
prescribed limit.
Prevents excessive oral dryness from prolonged period
without oral intake.
Offer frequent mouth care and rinse with 0.25% acetic
acid solution; provide gum, hard candy, breath mints between meals.
Mucous membranes may become dry and cracked. Mouth care
soothes, lubricates, and helps freshen mouth taste, which is often unpleasant
because of uremia and restricted oral intake. Rinsing with acetic acid helps
neutralize ammonia formed by conversion of urea.
Encourage good dental hygiene after meals and at
bedtime. Recommend avoidance of dental floss.
Reduces bacterial growth and potential for infection.
Dental floss may cut gums, potentiating bleeding.
Recommend patient stop smoking and avoid lemon or
glycerine products or mouthwash containing alcohol.
These substances are irritating to the mucosa and have
a drying effect, potentiating discomfort.
Provide artificial saliva as needed (Ora-Lube).
Prevents dryness, buffers acids, and promotes comfort.
Administer medications as indicated such as
antihistamines: cyproheptadine (Periactin).
May be given for relief of itching.
6. Deficient Knowledge
May be related to
Lack of exposure/recall, information misinterpretation
Cognitive limitation
Possibly evidenced by
Questions/request for information, statement of misconception
Inaccurate follow-through of instructions, development of
preventable complications
Desired Outcomes
Verbalize understanding of condition/disease process and
potential complications.
Verbalize understanding of therapeutic needs.
Correctly perform necessary procedures and explain reasons
for the actions.
Demonstrate/initiate necessary lifestyle changes.
Participate in treatment regimen.
Nursing Interventions
Review disease process and prognosis and future
Provides knowledge base from which patient can make
informed choices.
Review dietary restrictions, including:
Phosphorus (carbonated drinks, processed foods,
poultry, corn, peanuts) and magnesium (whole grain products, legumes);
Retention of phosphorus stimulates the parathyroid
glands to shift calcium from bones (renal osteodystrophy ) , and accumulation
of magnesium can impair neuromuscular function and mentation.
Fluid and sodium restrictions when indicated.
If fluid retention is a problem, patient may need to
restrict intake of fluid to 1100 cc (or less) and restrict dietary sodium. If
fluid overload is present, diuretic therapy or dialysis will be part of the
Discuss other nutritional concerns such
as regulating protein intake according to level of renal function
(generally 0.6 – 0.7g per k of body weight per day of good quality protein,
such as meat, eggs).
Metabolites that accumulate in blood derive almost entirely
from protein catabolism; as renal function declines, proteins may be
restricted proportionately. Too little protein can result in
malnutrition. Note: Patient on dialysis may not need to be as vigilant
with protein intake.
Encourage adequate calorie intake, especially from
carbohydrates in the nondiabetic patient.
Spares protein, prevents wasting, and provides energy.
Note: Use of special glucose polymer powders can add calories to enhance
energy level without extra food or fluid intake.
Discuss drug therapy, including use of calcium
supplements and phosphate binders such as aluminum hydroxide
antacids (Amphojel, Basalgel) and avoidance of magnesium antacids
(Mylanta, Maalox, Gelusil); vitamin D.
Prevents serious complications (reducing phosphate
absorption from the GI tract and supplying calcium to maintain normal serum
levels, reducing risk of bone demineralization or fractures, tetany);
however, use of aluminum – containing products should be monitored because
accumulation in the bones potentiates osteodystrophy. Magnesium products
potentiate risk of hypermagnesemia. Note: Supplemental vitamin D
may be required to facilitate calcium absorption.
Stress importance of reading all product labels (drugs
and food) and not taking medications without prior approval of healthcare
It is difficult to maintain electrolyte balance when
exogenous intake is not factored into dietary restrictions,
(hypercalcemia can result from routine supplement use in combination
with increased dietary intake of calcium – fortified foods and medications
containing calcium).
Review measures to prevent bleeding and hemorrhage,
(use of soft toothbrush, electric razor); avoidance of constipation, forceful
blowing of nose, strenuous exercise and contact sports.
Reduces risks related to alteration of clotting factors
and decreased platelet count.
Instruct in self – observation and self-monitoring of
BP, including scheduling rest period before taking BP, using same arm or
Incidence of hypertension is increased in CRF, often
requiring management with antihypertensive drugs, necessitating close
observation of treatment effects (vascular response to medication).
Caution against exposure to external temperature
extremes (heating pad or snow).
Peripheral neuropathy may develop, especially in lower
extremities (effects of uremia, electrolyte and acid-base imbalances),
impairing peripheral sensation and potentiating risk of tissue injury.
Establish routine exercise program within limits of
individual ability; intersperse adequate rest periods with activities.
Aids in maintaining muscle tone and joint flexibility.
Reduces risks associated with immobility (including bone demineralization ) ,
while preventing fatigue.
Address sexual concerns.
Physiological effects of uremia and antihypertensive
therapy may impair sexual desire and performance.
Identify available resources as indicated. Stress
necessity of medical and laboratory follow- up.
Close monitoring of renal function and electrolyte
balance is necessary to adjust dietary prescription, treatment or make
decisions about possible options such as dialysis and transplantation.
Identify signs and symptoms requiring immediate medical
evaluation (Low -grade fever, chills, changes in characteristics of urine and
sputum, tissue swelling and drainage, oral ulcerations;
Depressed immune system, anemia, malnutrition all
contribute to increased risk of infection.
Numbness and tingling of digits, abdominal and muscle
cramps, carpopedal spasms;
Uremia and decreased absorption of calcium may lead to
peripheral neuropathies.
Joint swelling and tenderness, decreased ROM,
reduced muscle strength;
Hyperphosphatemia with corresponding calcium shifts
from the bone may result in deposition of the excess calcium phosphate as
calcifications in joints and soft tissues. Symptoms of skeletal involvement
are often noted before impairment in organ function is evident.
Headaches, blurred vision, periorbital and sacral
edema, “red eyes”;
Suggestive of development and poor control of
hypertension, or changes in eyes caused by calcium.
Review strategies to prevent constipation, including
stool softeners (Colace) and bulk laxatives (Metamucil) but avoiding
magnesium products (milk of magnesia).
Reduced fluid intake, changes in dietary pattern, and
use of phosphate – binding products often result in constipation that is not
responsive to nonmedical interventions.Use of products containing magnesium
increases risk of hypermagnesemia.
Other Possible Nursing Care Plans
Fluid Volume excess—compromised regulatory mechanism.
Fatigue—decreased metabolic energy production/dietary
restriction, anemia, increased energy requirements, e.g., fever/
inflammation, tissue regeneration.
Therapeutic Regimen: ineffective management—complexity of
therapeutic regimen, decisional conflicts: patient value system; health
beliefs, cultural influences; powerlessness; economic difficulties; family
conflict; lack of/refusal of support systems.
Hopelessness—deteriorating physiological condition, long-term
stress, prolonged activity limitations.disease (CKD)
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